January 14th, 2012

14 Jan

Duck, Duck…

By Silver Blue

Goose. It seems that the warmer weather is causing confusion all over the area. Not only are roses still in bloom, the waterfowl (including these foul fowl, known as Canadian Honkers or better yet, “Flying Poop Factories”) aren’t migrating. Of course, part of that is due to the proliferation of people who feed them, People! They’re supposed to migrate for a reason!

What? You think they’re going to grow old and stay here? Looks like we’ll need to enlarge:

Maybe we’ll have to add another… wing.  Well, someone once told me that you can’t take yourself too seriously. You don’t get out of life alive.

Another sign that the weather has been beyond the bizarre is evidenced here.

These normally don’t start sprouting until March, let alone blooming. Dinky Daffodils, in full bloom on January 14, 2012. Mother Nature, did you forget to take your Hormone Replacement Therapy? Methinks yes.

Finally, we just have to realize that life truly is just blowing in the wind, and we are mere dust in the wind. The goal is to not be chopped to shreds on the windmill, yes?

I told you I had a penchant for finding yard art!

Silver Blue, who says Honey, isn’t it funny, being punny? (Laughing so hard your nose gets runny? At least the weather was sunny, though I saw no bunny. Not quitting my day job. I need the money.)

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Days of Silver Blue

January 2012