January 20th, 2012
Even MORE fun with HDR
By Silver Blue
HDR (High Dynamic Range) allows your photos to display more accurately what your eye sees. Even the top-of-the-line (and multi-thousand dollar) cameras cannot see the full range of light and shadow that your eyes can see, SO… post processing is in order.
(As a side note, the hosting company is STILL attempting to complete its restore from backups. I grew tired of waiting and so I figured out where the missing photos should have gone, and I have reuploaded them).
I love the architecture that I get to see when I go on my walkabouts. Being that I was home sick today, the only walkabouts I did was from the bed to the bathroom and back…plus the occasional downstairs to the kitchen for coffee, tea, or something to nibble. Feeling a bit better now, but know better than to push it. This blog entry, and some light emailing is all the computing work I plan on doing.
Back to the houses, however. I can’t afford to own any of these, but it doesn’t mean I can’t look!
Looks like the house was turned 90 degrees from the way it “should” be set, just to fit on the property. Still. I like all the points. 🙂
Here’s another pointy house that I like (I especially like the upstairs window that mimics the look of the roofline).
This beautiful house used to be vinyl sided before being renovated. You can see the line between the first set of double windows and the overhang — the part of the house to the left of that used to be the “mother in law” suite.I think it’s now all part of one home.
To me, Tudor style houses are quite fashionable. I rather fancy European styles, and this one is nice. (Though I’d probably have to have a riding mower for all that grass.)
This is the house that I posted here framed in a tree (taken from the next door neighbour’s yard). There’s just something classic about the large welcoming door with side lights.
Hark, do you see who I see? In this lemon coloured house, with the red trimmed door…in the upper middle window… no one but Saint Nicholas himself!
Again, I don’t understand what gets into some people and causes them to paint brick. The purpose behind brick is that it’s low maintenance. Paint it, and you’ve raised the maintenance on the house. Still, the colours contrast well here, and the copper guttering and flashing as turned a nice green patina.
There’s always room for evergreens. Growing up in Charleston, SC and Virginia, you get used to having pine trees, evergreens, firs, and the like. (You also get used to the smell of burning pine needles because even though they’re “evergreen”, they shed like a big dog….even though most people in Virginia don’t burn their pine “straw”.)
Silver Blue, who is glad to be back blogging. Now, can someone remove the ice pick that’s over my left eye? Please? Thanks.