Look up, look closely
By Silver Blue
Birds! Yes, plenty of birds. Pigeons. A Dove. A Gull.
Of course, these are not birds that migrate, so to see them is not shocking. But… it is very pleasing to the eye!
Yes, pigeons, and not on a statue. I’m not overly fond of pigeons (because, like Canadian Honkers, they’re notorious for being poop factories), but these were almost posing.
A few days later, and the Dove WAS posing for the photo, almost “cheesing” for the camera, as it were:
I’ve always lived near water, and because of that, I have an affinity for seagulls.
Finally, there’s a reason to look closely. Bud, my prolific rose bush, is at it again. Seriously? Yes, seriously.
Silver Blue, who will be glad when Dreamhost gets the backups back online and my photos are back. Seriously!!!