Having Fun with Filters
By Silver Blue | 2 comments
2Nothing wrong with a bit of post-production, as long as your photos aren’t ALL about manipulating them to make something worth keeping. (Mind you, the posts on HDR have to be performed in post-production, because otherwise they wouldn’t exist!) So, I’m sitting here going through photos for today’s blog post and realize I have some tools in my arsenal that I’ve not used, one of which is Alien Skin Software’s “Snap Art”.
Photographs can be art can’t they?
Let’s ask kitty:
So, kitty…. how would you feel about becoming a piece of art? What? You don’t give a rat, because you ate it? Okay. ZAP!
Instant artwork kitty.
Not bad. I wonder how it would work on the ever present squirrels in the neighbourhood?
An unsuspecting subject…. uh, I mean… a volunteer! ZAP!
Okay, so it seems to do better when they’re more of a separation of colours.
Remember that house (with the turret) that was posted yesterday? (and framed by trees the day before?) Here’s the front door:
With the kind of glass work, any wonder why I like it? Okay, let me break out my box of crayons.
Now that’s an interesting take. However, I did save the best (IMHO) for last. It’s mail time.
You know, if you click on the title of this post (Having Fun with Filters) you are taken to a page that just displays this post and you can comment. This is true for any posting done here on The Eyes of Silver Blue. Sometimes, it gets lonely here in cyberspace, with only 0s and 1s floating by.
I just LOVE the way this one turned out.
Silver Blue, who is grateful for music, cooking, food, photography, books and software that allow me to pursue my passions, and have fun on the way.
Even MORE fun with HDR
By Silver Blue
HDR (High Dynamic Range) allows your photos to display more accurately what your eye sees. Even the top-of-the-line (and multi-thousand dollar) cameras cannot see the full range of light and shadow that your eyes can see, SO… post processing is in order.
(As a side note, the hosting company is STILL attempting to complete its restore from backups. I grew tired of waiting and so I figured out where the missing photos should have gone, and I have reuploaded them).
I love the architecture that I get to see when I go on my walkabouts. Being that I was home sick today, the only walkabouts I did was from the bed to the bathroom and back…plus the occasional downstairs to the kitchen for coffee, tea, or something to nibble. Feeling a bit better now, but know better than to push it. This blog entry, and some light emailing is all the computing work I plan on doing.
Back to the houses, however. I can’t afford to own any of these, but it doesn’t mean I can’t look!
Looks like the house was turned 90 degrees from the way it “should” be set, just to fit on the property. Still. I like all the points. 🙂
Here’s another pointy house that I like (I especially like the upstairs window that mimics the look of the roofline).
This beautiful house used to be vinyl sided before being renovated. You can see the line between the first set of double windows and the overhang — the part of the house to the left of that used to be the “mother in law” suite.I think it’s now all part of one home.
To me, Tudor style houses are quite fashionable. I rather fancy European styles, and this one is nice. (Though I’d probably have to have a riding mower for all that grass.)
This is the house that I posted here framed in a tree (taken from the next door neighbour’s yard). There’s just something classic about the large welcoming door with side lights.
Hark, do you see who I see? In this lemon coloured house, with the red trimmed door…in the upper middle window… no one but Saint Nicholas himself!
Again, I don’t understand what gets into some people and causes them to paint brick. The purpose behind brick is that it’s low maintenance. Paint it, and you’ve raised the maintenance on the house. Still, the colours contrast well here, and the copper guttering and flashing as turned a nice green patina.
There’s always room for evergreens. Growing up in Charleston, SC and Virginia, you get used to having pine trees, evergreens, firs, and the like. (You also get used to the smell of burning pine needles because even though they’re “evergreen”, they shed like a big dog….even though most people in Virginia don’t burn their pine “straw”.)
Silver Blue, who is glad to be back blogging. Now, can someone remove the ice pick that’s over my left eye? Please? Thanks.
Look up, look closely
By Silver Blue
Birds! Yes, plenty of birds. Pigeons. A Dove. A Gull.
Of course, these are not birds that migrate, so to see them is not shocking. But… it is very pleasing to the eye!
Yes, pigeons, and not on a statue. I’m not overly fond of pigeons (because, like Canadian Honkers, they’re notorious for being poop factories), but these were almost posing.
A few days later, and the Dove WAS posing for the photo, almost “cheesing” for the camera, as it were:
I’ve always lived near water, and because of that, I have an affinity for seagulls.
Finally, there’s a reason to look closely. Bud, my prolific rose bush, is at it again. Seriously? Yes, seriously.
Silver Blue, who will be glad when Dreamhost gets the backups back online and my photos are back. Seriously!!!
Various shots that made me smile.
By Silver Blue | 1 comment
1I’m a bit random with today’s post simply because I snapped whatever photos made me smile. The fact it was almost 50 helped warm me up (and tomorrow will be in the 60s…oh Mother Nature, you’re late on your HRT! (Hormone Replacement Therapy)).
Heading out the door, I see a shot through the trees. Abstract, but the muted colours (and the last remaining hanging dried blooms on this crepe myrtle) spoke volumes to me.
Moving on and through the neighbourhood, we come across…
I’ve always dreamt of owning a house with a turret. In fact, in 1980, when my family moved from South Carolina back to Virginia, one of the houses we looked at had a turret — and a spiral staircase leading to the room at the top of the stairs — it would have been perfect for MY bedroom. The downside? There were holes in the walls where it looked like someone had punched the walls in fits of anger, and the entire house reeked of cat urine. PASS! Perhaps one day I’ll get my house with a turret. (By the way, this house is NOT the one we looked at 32 years ago. That house still is standing, and has been (I would gather) kept up quite nicely. The lawn is well kept, and the house — at that time a Pepto-Bismol pink on the cedar shake shingles — is now a more demure olive green.
I also enjoy nautical themes. This isn’t actually a boat tie-off, or the edge of a pier. It’s merely a property boundary marker. Still… with the water in the background, it made me smile.
Eat peacefully, wee birdie. No cat or squirrel can get to you in here. Two days ago, that seed bin was completely full. I’d say the wee birds have voracious appetites. (Easier to do when you know you’re not as easily marked to be someone else’s dinner!)
Silver Blue, who dreams of castles, turrets, and of being an eagle on the wing.
Peace amongst the plants
By Silver Blue | 1 comment
1There’s something about the serenity when one is in nature that just has, at least to me, a calming effect.
A member of my neighbourhood, Marie, obviously feels the same as I do.
See? She even says “Enjoy”. Though for the season, she’s growing red berry bushes and…
Rosemary. She appears to be growing a pile of firewood, too, though I’ve not seen seeds for it in the store.
I lingered, albeit on the street, absorbing the serenity of the garden. I photographed…
…and then vanished like fog in the morning sun.
Silver Blue, who asks: What brings you the most peace and serenity? What puts YOU in a Zen-like mood?
Duck, Duck…
By Silver Blue
Goose. It seems that the warmer weather is causing confusion all over the area. Not only are roses still in bloom, the waterfowl (including these foul fowl, known as Canadian Honkers or better yet, “Flying Poop Factories”) aren’t migrating. Of course, part of that is due to the proliferation of people who feed them, People! They’re supposed to migrate for a reason!
What? You think they’re going to grow old and stay here? Looks like we’ll need to enlarge:
Maybe we’ll have to add another… wing. Well, someone once told me that you can’t take yourself too seriously. You don’t get out of life alive.
Another sign that the weather has been beyond the bizarre is evidenced here.
These normally don’t start sprouting until March, let alone blooming. Dinky Daffodils, in full bloom on January 14, 2012. Mother Nature, did you forget to take your Hormone Replacement Therapy? Methinks yes.
Finally, we just have to realize that life truly is just blowing in the wind, and we are mere dust in the wind. The goal is to not be chopped to shreds on the windmill, yes?
I told you I had a penchant for finding yard art!
Silver Blue, who says Honey, isn’t it funny, being punny? (Laughing so hard your nose gets runny? At least the weather was sunny, though I saw no bunny. Not quitting my day job. I need the money.)
Marching to the beat of my own drum.
By Silver Blue
Of course, it doesn’t hurt if you’ve got someone counting the beat for you too!
One of the things that I love about photography, and attempting to capture memories, is the ability to see things through a lens in a way that perhaps you wouldn’t in just the hustle and bustle of the day. We all seem to be in such a hurry that we pass by, without even noticing, some really amazing sights.
Take for example the building my Chiropractor is in. I’ve been going there since October, but I’ve never really stopped to look at it, to really SEE it, until this morning. There, in the rising sun… well, Stevie Wonder may have had an album called “In Square Circle” (the song Part-Time Lover is from it), but this is the true epitome of the name:
The interesting thing to me is that it looks like it’s just a wall with a hole in it — after all, you can see the sky on the right, and perhaps the tree has been trimmed back and you’d not see it through the opening. In fact, you’re seeing the reflection of the sky behind ME as I take this picture. The fact that the window next to it isn’t reflecting anything at all struck me as odd, and unique at the same time.
As I’d mentioned prior, however, good photographs require you to learn you to “see” your environs, not just look at them. The next time you’re out shopping — be it in a supermarket, department store, or shopping centre/mall, do yourself a favour. Look UP. I’d mentioned this back when the blog was relatively new with the post: There Is Beauty All Around Us.
When I was doing errands today, I made a stop at a local mall… one I don’t normally frequent, Chesapeake Square. I happened to have my camera with me, and on my way out, I looked up. I’m glad the mall wasn’t crowded today because what I saw stopped me in my tracks. I saw angles. I saw light. I saw colour. I was “seeing” my environs. A moment later, I had my “memory” shot.
There’s something almost Nautical about this shot. Crisp, clean, and the light and shadows make the photo something that makes me smile.
The nautical bit is only appropriate, as the mall’s “logo” (now mostly deprecated), was four anchors set at angles.
Silver Blue, who reminds you to not only take time to stop and smell the roses, but to not just pass through life, but look, SEE, and enjoy the world around you!
Who’s watching over me?
By Silver Blue
I have a corner in my den that I affectionately refer to as “Meditation Corner.” I say that because it has my tapestries that I purchased from the Monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery, a photo of me with the Geshe-la (lead Monk) and the translator, a photo of the completed Sand Mandala of Peace, and two dried roses that were on the altar while they were constructing the mandala.
I’ve also a quote from the Dalai Lama, a bronze bell, a silver plated incense stick cannister, and a copper and chrome thurible (which is what holds incense cones and loose burning incense to defuse it).
So, as you can tell, I take my meditation corner (and my meditations) seriously.
But, if I look up and to the left, I can see a special candle I burn (“Storm Watch” by Yankee Candle), a candle holder that is much like a goblet (in cobalt), and a harlequin that I’ve referred to as “Mama Quinn” (a play on Harlequin) since she waltzed into my life 7 years ago.
Behind her are peacock feathers. Why peacock feathers? I only consider positives, not negatives, ergo…
Peacock feathers represent pride, and by extension, nobility and glory. Peacocks are also known to eat poisonous plants with no ill effects, making their feathers a symbol of incorruptibility and immortality.
Buddhists associate peacock feathers with openness, since the birds display everything when they spread their tails. Buddhists also ascribe great meaning to the bird’s diet of poisonous plants–the ability to thrive in the face of suffering.
In ancient Greece, the peacock was the patron bird of the goddess Hera. According to myth, she placed “eyes” on its feathers, symbolizing all-seeing knowledge and the wisdom of the heavens.
Hindu mythology associates peacocks with the god Lakshmi. The feathers thus represent his qualities: kindness, patience and good fortune.
(Definitions courtesty of )
Silver Blue, who wonders if the world couldn’t be made a better place if we all would just take the time to be quiet, turn our thoughts inward, and listen instead of always jabbering…
One last nibble…
By Silver Blue
….of holiday cheer. The holiday deserts with mom and dad.
I dare not think of how many calories these contained, or how bad for the waistline. All I can say is they were very delish, and home made. From the front: Blueberry pie, Banana Pudding, and Chocolate Pudding Pie.
I’m glad the holidays don’t come around more often. I’d be as big as a house.
Silver Blue, who says that NOBODY makes banana pudding like my MAMA does. 🙂
Make it one for my baby…
By Silver Blue
…and one more for the road…
Two completely non-related photographs, but ones that I’m completely in love with.
First, the front “garden” decorations of the Dynamic Beth, who keeps my hair looking spiky and fresh.
As you can tell, Beth is very much into the nautical theme. Tasteful decorations of King Neptune and his two mermaid “nymphs”. (The only thing missing his is trident, though the sculpture doesn’t appear to have place for one.)
Secondly, from the holiday party from work, a simple display of wine bottles:
A Merlot, White Zinfandel, Chardonnay, and Pinot Grigio. I don’t know much about wines (other than I can’t drink red, with the exception of one Merlot by Penfold’s, due to allergies which spawn massive migraines), but I find it strange that the Chardonnay is the only wine that is in a different shaped bottle. Oh wait. I can’t tell about the “punt” (the dip in the bottom of the bottle) of the merlot, but it appears to be nearly non-existent in the Pinot Grigio, though I guess maybe the condensation on the bottle might be hiding it?
Silver Blue, raising a glass to 2012. Regardless if the Mayans are correct, I’m going to make this a year to beat all years!