07 Apr
By Silver Blue
….let me dance with my feet off the ground…give me back the world I remember, one more ride on the merry-go-round.*
The hand-carved carousel formerly of the Buckroe Beach Amusement Park (1921-1985). Now housed in downtown Hampton.

(*One More Ride On The Merry-Go-Round – N. Sedaka)
Silver Blue, who would trade you the world and its treasures for a moment of one yesterday….
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05 Apr
By Silver Blue
Oh, I guess you’d have to have levitation powers to do that.
“Where’s The Floor?” – (C) 2012 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue… who looks through the veils of time to see the beauty of days past.
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04 Apr
By Silver Blue
The “Barker” comes from Wales. In 2010, Santa came from the U.K. and filled my stocking with all sorts of goodies!

My friends from across the pond will recognize a good deal of these!
Silver Blue, who tries to keep the magic of the holidays with him year-round.
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03 Apr
By Silver Blue
Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Apollo’s Chariot roller coaster, before the park opened. A lucky employee was the sole rider on the train. “The Thrill of It” (C) 2012 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue, who reminds you that memorable photos can happen any time, any where.
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01 Apr
By Silver Blue
Tis only the Limey!
“Ahoy Matey!” – (C) 2012 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue who reminds you to always have some fun in life, even if it’s small, silly things.
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31 Mar
By Silver Blue
Mother Nature seems to have other plans. Still, there is joy to be found. Here’s a memory I call “Kiss the Rain.”

Roses, rain. Somehow the two seem to compliment each other. – Silver Blue
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24 Mar
By Silver Blue
…. I can’t wait til there’s a rose garden (in bloom again).
Happy Palm Sunday everyone.

Silver Blue, who reminds you to always make time to stop and smell the roses.
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18 Dec
By Silver Blue
Sorry, readers, to have been away for so long. I’ve been so busy with my day job, and attempting to sneak in time for Photo Phridays, Snapshot Saturdays, and everything else that I’ve neglected the blog. So, for those who aren’t following me on Facebook, here’s a selection of photos taken at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg during their Christmas Town celebration:

Silver Blue, who hopes to be able to keep up with the blog more frequently now….
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18 Oct
By Silver Blue
Ask the dandelion clock. What’s a dandelion clock?

A children’s amusement in which the number of puffs needed to blow the filamentous achenes from a dandelion is supposed to tell the time. ( )
Silver Blue, who reminds you that when you ask the time of a dandelion clock, you must not be afraid of the answer. (paraphrased from Madeline L’Engle, A Swiftly Tilting Planet)
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26 Sep
By Silver Blue
…sectioned off in Galleries for you to peruse and examine. You can find them at:
I’ve been so busy with life, photography, and trying to make a difference with the company that it seems like I’ve abandoned the blog, but I’ve not. I promise.

So….smile for a while and let’s be jolly…love shouldn’t be so melancholy… come along and share the good times while we can…
Silver Blue, who is looking forward to the change in the foliage… for it can only mean more photos on the horizon!
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