24 Jun

The difference a year makes.

By Silver Blue

The Super Moon, shot May 6, 2012.

Shot May 6, 2012.

Shot May 6, 2012.

I was learning how to do nighttime photography, and there were several hours of post production done in order to bring out the craters on the moon from the slightly blurry photo taken with a 1300mm manual focus lens.

Shot June 23, 2013.

Shot June 23, 2013.

This photo had 3 minutes of post processing performed on it — because it was shot in RAW format, and needed to be converted to JPG format. This photo was taken with the same camera (Canon Rebel T3i) and the same 1300mm manual focus lens.

The 2012 photo also had the moon “moved” to center it in the frame, whereas the 2013 photo did not have the moon moved.

I find it interesting that the time of the camera shot (2012, 10:13pm EST; 2013, 10:43pm EST) as well as the fact that the “Super Moon” appeared 1 month, 17 days later shows the rotation of the impact craters on the moon.

Silver Blue, who agrees…one small step for man…


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25 Apr


By Silver Blue

Not all “henges” are made of stone.

treehenge_HDRFrom the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.

Silver Blue, who loves seeing things repurposed!


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18 Apr

The way things were

By Silver Blue

I’ve posted this photo before, in a time when I wasn’t doing much photo manipulation. This was taken in February 2007 in the backwoods of North Carolina.



Silver Blue, who thinks so many places crumble before being captured by camera….

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13 Apr

Whatever you do…

By Silver Blue

“Don’t Sneeze!” – (C) 2010 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography


Silver Blue, who finds meditation to be an important part of every day.

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12 Apr

On wind and waves…

By Silver Blue

This photo was taken at the base of a bridge in Tappahannock, VA, in the summer of 2012. I call it “On wind and waves…” because the birds seem equally at home on either.

onwindandwaves(C) 2012 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue, who loves the wind AND the waves…


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11 Apr

Tidewater Virginia

By Silver Blue

…has two seasons. Winter, and Summer. It’s either freezing cold, or scalding hot. Rare that we get a spring or an autumn.

Because of this (and because we had ice/sleet last week, and upper 80s this week), I decided to share a nice lazy day from Virginia Beach.

“Watching the tide roll in…” – (C) 2012 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography



Silver Blue, who’d like to be soaking up some rays, and losing this headache.

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10 Apr

The Monument in Hampton, VA

By Silver Blue

I’ll leave you to form your own opinions: http://weblogs.dailypress.com/news/local/hamptonmatters/2011/01/lawrence_nobles_hampton_statue.html


Silver Blue, who knows far too well how history is rewritten, glossing over the bad parts.


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08 Apr

The smell of salt in the air….

By Silver Blue

…and the cry of the gull on the wing.



Taken on the Hampton Waterfront. “The Lure of the Water” – (C) 2013 F. John Barker III/Silver Blue Photography

Silver Blue, who thinks there are few things prettier than the habour lights…..

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07 Apr

Give me one more chance on the midway…

By Silver Blue

….let me dance with my feet off the ground…give me back the world I remember, one more ride on the merry-go-round.*

The hand-carved carousel formerly of the Buckroe Beach Amusement Park (1921-1985). Now housed in downtown Hampton.


(*One More Ride On The Merry-Go-Round – N. Sedaka)

Silver Blue, who would trade you the world and its treasures for a moment of one yesterday….

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06 Apr

I love Paris…

By Silver Blue

….in the Springtime.

(C) 1982 F. John Barker III


I was 13 years old. Paris was beautiful, and to my eyes (and my Kodak 126 camera), there just wasn’t enough time (or film) to be able to capture all the memories I wanted to.

Silver Blue who reminds you to make every moment count.

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Days of Silver Blue

September 2024