Some ask…
By Silver Blue
…what the “F.” in F. John Barker III stands for. Here’s a hint:
I just get tired of people misspelling it. If I tell them “Forester, like the bourbon,” they STILL don’t get it.
I don’t drink Bourbon, but I do cook with it. When I do, I always use my namesake.
Makes a great Bourbon Chocolate Almond cake, I might add…
Silver Blue…who needs to make another one of these…REAL SOON!
Little Things Mean A Lot
By Silver Blue
Thank you to everyone who has sent me kind words on the Silver Blue Photography site. Those little words of encouragement mean more than I could ever properly let you know. This rose is for you.
Silver Blue, who wonders where the weekend went.
Have A Ball!
By Silver Blue
I have to wonder if a toddler tossed this and it ended up by a flower bed; if a dog was chasing it, but called back before he could retrieve it; if a person was playing rebound off a garage wall and missed it with a racquet and because it was dusk, couldn’t find the ball to put it away for the night.
In any event, it made for an interesting shot in the morning light.
Silver Blue, who asks what in the world around you have you noticed that brings you joy?
Up in the sky…
By Silver Blue
It’s a bird… it’s a plane…. It’s SUPER MOON! No… silly… not this time. It’s the wind vane atop the Wren Building on the campus of the College of William and Mary:
LOVE the way this one turned out. It’s one of many that will be going up (eventually) to the SmugMug site.
Silver Blue, who needs a frosty bevvie in this heat!
There, on the horizon!
By Silver Blue
I can see it!
Well, maybe I can’t, but HE can. That’s John Wareing (1923-2000), Virginia Beach Police Officer, Trainer, and more. (He served in the US Navy and founded Wareing’s Gym in Virginia Beach.)
So, what can HE see, that I can’t? He can see the progress made on the official galleries, etc. He can see that photos are flowing up to the SmugMug site. He can see… lots of things.
I can’t wait to be able to make the post that allows you to, too. It’s coming! Soon!
Silver Blue, who is consumed with excitement!
Step by Step…
By Silver Blue
…bit by bit.
Just as roses don’t bloom all at once, it takes time to achieve one’s dreams.
With every step I take, I’m one step closer to my dream.
Silver Blue, who will be continuing to work on stuff once I’m home.
Beginnings are fragile times
By Silver Blue
I’ve not forgotten you, dear readers. Nor have I abandoned the blog. I’m just in the process of attempting to create the front end of the website (it’s coming along — I swear!), and then have to put the gallery online for you all to enjoy perusing (and perhaps, if you see something you like, purchasing).
Silver Blue, who wishes there were more hours in the day.
The photo that started the food photography.
By Silver Blue
I was over at Dannell Litchfield’s house on April 27, 2006. It was a “Survivor” night (meaning we’d watch the tele show “Survivor”, eat, and converse). Dannell made burgers that night, and thought I was crazy when I grabbed my camera and said “DON’T TOUCH THE PLATE.”
Any wonder why? If you’re a meat eater, tell me this doesn’t tempt you. The sandwich has not been staged at all. It merely is as it was served that night. It also hangs in my kitchen as a 16×20 above the door.
Dalaina Williams, from work, claims this to be one of the finest food photos she’s ever seen — and what makes it even better is that there’s no hocus pocus. As soon as I snapped off two shots, I sat down and DEVOURED this burger.
Silver Blue, who thinks its good to go back and look at technique and critique…though I can’t find anything wrong with this shot…other than I don’t have one on a plate right now!
By Silver Blue
Camera Shake, that is.
There are times that not even Image Stabilization (IS) can help you out.
Then again, there are times when you really don’t want it to.
Take this photo, from October 21, 2006. I’d gone to a Halloween party. The lights were low, and there was a prop “rigged” to the stairs. A shot taken from a tripod, or with IS, wouldn’t have been as effective as this shot, affected by camera shake:

Silver Blue… who is looking forward to joining one, or possibly two of the local photo clubs.
Lily (not Munster)
By Silver Blue
Something about a splash of colour that can bring back memories.
Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the humidity, or maybe it was something in the reds and yellows that captured my spirit and transported me back to yesteryear.
Perhaps it’s because my mother (and my grandmother) used to raise lilies. In fact, my grandmother also used to raise the most awesome double poppies you’d ever lay your eyes on.
Silver Blue, who wishes there was always enough time to take just one more look around before we leave…