When dining…
By Silver Blue
…atmosphere is a good deal of the experience.
The food plays a good part too, but all too often you’re shoved in a cubicle with antiseptic lighting that takes all the fun out of eating. Fortunately, not every place is like that. Well, at least, not yet.
Hope you’ve had a good weekend, dear readers. It’s going to be an early evening for me.
Silver Blue, who wonders where his time off went.
Soon to be lost…
By Silver Blue
…to the march of time.
Norfolk, VA. Granby Street. The Riverview Theater.
From :
Closed theater; 1 screen. 685 seats.
Photo from when it was open: (this is from the cinematreasures site)
Another classic Norfolk movie house, the Riverview Theatre was a roadshow theatre that kept a reserved seat policy and showed 70mm films such as “Cleopatra”, “Lawrence of Arabia” & “The Sound of Music”. In later years, the Riverview Theatre became a live theater venue.
Supposedly, from the comments on that site, the theater has been (or soon will be) condemned. It was on the market (with a far, far too small parking lot) for a little over $770,000.
I just … I feel sad that places like this, though they are small, are discarded due to “bigger, better, etc.” People seem to have no desire to preserve the past.
Therefore, I will bid a fond, yet early farewell to a theatre that I never set foot in, yet seemed to have a lot of character (and I’m sure, in its early days, lots of class, too!)
From I found the following two photos, where the marquee had all of the lights!
(You can see the glass doors here that had been painted with the Riverview logo…)
The sand keeps creeping through the hourglass…
Soon… all we’ll be left with are photographs, and cookie cutter buildings and places to go.
[audio:]Silver Blue, who misses the past so very, very much.
Taking the night off.
By Silver Blue
Sorry folks, but I’ve been in the heat all day at the Botanical Gardens. Had a blast, but the heat has gotten to me. So… I’ll give you two photos to tide you over:
Three beauties in a row…
And an egret in flight.
Okay. Okay. Two more. The stone lions I’m so fond of:
and a solo shot:
I think I boiled my brain today. Still…. the beauty of the 903 photos I took (and am still sorting through) will be with me long after the season has passed. 🙂
Silver Blue… who looks at every new day as an adventure!
In the garden…
By Silver Blue
So, I’m late getting into the container garden thing this year. I normally start from seeds, but one thing or another got in the way this year and so… the container garden was from fully sprouted plants. I chose to go container garden because I can walk out the front door and harvest, instead of out the front door, around the house to the back forty and then fight ‘skeeters, etc.
Two container tomatoes…with cages, and … blooms!
Four new rosemary plants! (If only I could figure how some people have them as perennials and not annuals, I could save some $$.
Three German thyme.
Sweet Basil, Plants 1-3.
Sweet Basil 4-6.
…and Sweet Basil 7-9. I grow a lot of basil because I LOVE PESTO. I make a really mean grilled pesto pizza with Parmesan cheese.
Mexican thyme. I believe in having an international garden. 🙂
Common Sage. Yes, the name on the little tag says “Common Sage”. What would make it “uncommon sage”? If it could sing and dance?
[audio:]Silver Blue, who looks forward to the bounty of tasty goodness this will provide, plus, being able to water the plants and enjoy them in the stillness of morning.
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
By Silver Blue
A new show at Festhaus, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg called “Entwined” which has a number of fairy tales mixed together. Of course, Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf are part of the story…
I can’t imagine … perhaps the person in the full body costume has some experience being a mascot because they had no problems dancing and acting out in the outfit.
I think the Lederhosen are a nice touch.
Contemplative wolf.
“I said,” said Red, “You don’t scare me!”
Besides, good wolves get skritchies behind the ears. 🙂
Part of the Finale number.
I saw the show when it was still being fine tuned. This was much better.
[audio:]Silver Blue, who is pleased the photos turned out so well without flash. There will be more to come!
Gotta get back to the simple life again.
By Silver Blue | 1 comment
1On the way out of Kenton, Ohio, en route to Columbus is a “restored” Gulf Service station. I’m pretty sure it didn’t start off selling “That Good Gulf Gasoline”, and in fact, it most likely never sold gasoline at all.
Still. The colours, the…the everything. I doubt it was a house (I didn’t go up and peek in the windows), but whatever it was… was classy.
My passion is photography. The passion of others certainly includes restoration of historical artifacts.
They even advertised “Squirt” soda on the door! LOL.
[audio:]Silver Blue, who really DOES miss a lot of the simple life.
Here comes the rain again…
By Silver Blue
Woke up this morning to Mother Nature having a field day in raining, and knocking the proliferation of pollen into the gutter and down the drain.
Hard to see in these photos, but the old lady is really having a go at it. We’ll end up somewhere between 1/4 of an inch and 5 inches today, depending on which weather forecaster you listen to. I’m hedging my bets in the 1-2″ range. We need it. The weather has been hot and dry.
Of course, I’d be more happy if we didn’t get it in a 5 minute period, but over the course of the day, so it has a chance to sink in, allowing every plant, tree, and shrub the ability to drink their fill.
As the rain bubbles and dances its way down the gutter, along the curb, there are patches that are heavy yellow with pollen. For the moment, adios allergies.
Very little wind associated with this, however. I was hoping to hear the windchimes in their tonal song, but it’s not meant to be.
After all the blue skies of recent, I must admit that Mother Nature does look good in grey.
But there is such a thing as too much. Quit showing off.
I was fortunate. The rain let up just long enough to grab a few shots and then back up on the porch I went.
Just remember “Hey now, what we had is gone…But I still remember you. Just like a rose after the rain, Something beautiful remains.” (“Something Beautiful Remains”, Tina Turner)
[audio:]Silver Blue, who says “For every thing that happens…there is a song.”
Why do you build me up…
By Silver Blue
…buttercup, baby…
Seeing Double. Well, not really double. But these ARE the first shots with the lens doubler. Took my 300mm lens and made a 600mm out of it. I really can’t wait for the full moon to see what the new photos will look like (the new moon (and lots of rain) is happening tonight, SO….that’s out the window…)
The orangy/pinky rose is getting ready to burst forth again.
Not QUITE in focus (I’m having to do it all manually), these are across the street, 1/2 of the way back on the neighbour’s property.
Almost Crimson…and clover. Over and over.
[audio:]Silver Blue, who has designated today as self-care day. I need sleep.
The word of the day is…
By Silver Blue
No, no. This is a dramatic cloud formation, It is NOT Ebelskiver. So… what is this strange sounding word?
These are Ebelskiver (some spell it Æbelskiver). Danish puff pancake balls. They can be savory (as above, with ham, swiss cheese, and scallions), or sweet:
These are filled with bits of peppermint patties, or candy bars, or strawberry jam.
How does one make them? It does require a specialized pan, available in specialty stores (and Williams/Sonoma):
Here, you can see the pan, the batter, the Hershey Kisses that would go inside. You fill the wells with about 2 tbsp batter, and after about a minute, drop the filling in, then cover another another 2 tbsp batter. After another minute or two, using two chopsticks, or two skewers, you “roll” the Ebelskiver in their individual wells. They pull into the full round shape. Cook for another minute or two and serve hot. Savory, they’re great with salads. Sweet, they’re the perfect ending of a meal.
Silver Blue, whose heart isn’t in the blog this evening, but wanted to share something unique.
Classic car…
By Silver Blue
…a 57 Chevrolet.
As seen cruising down the boulevard at the Oceanfront. A beautifully restored and maintained vehicle.
Silver Blue, who is thankful to be out of the sun and in the air conditioning again.