Butterfly, Butterfly
By Silver Blue | 1 comment
1Photo Phriday (6/22) found me at the Botanical Gardens once again, but this time in their Butterfly House:
They have 16 native types of butterflies that are raised through their entire life cycle. Egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly, repeat
This is known as a Pipevine Swallowtail. Vibrant, colourful.
The more traditional “Monarch” butterfly, quite common in Virginia.
Known as the “Common Buckeye” butterfly, I could see how this could be mistaken for a moth.
We’ll leave the butterfly house with another view of the Pipevine Swallowtail.
It was a great day to photograph, even though the temperatures were in excess of 100F, and it was quite humid.
Silver Blue, who is going to miss Photo Phridays once the summer is over…
Too tired to post.
By Silver Blue
Even my University’s mascot, the Monarch (Big Blue) is feeling the need to take a breather.
Silver Blue, who will be (hopefully) more in the mood for posting on Memorial Day.